




"Ray is by far the best therapist/coach that I have ever worked with!" - J., Yoga Instructor, ERYT

Hello, I'm Ray.

And I want to save your marriage - 


Because I don't like to waste time -

Not while you and your family struggle in POINTLESS UNECESSARY PAIN - 

Well, enough!

That stops now. Ok?

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

All you really want is LOVE - of course!

And all you need is some help:

- Communicating

- Connecting

- Healing the resentments of the past - feeling the RELIEF of REAL CLOSURE - not just sweeping everything under the rug!

- Breaking through EVERY SINGLE BLOCK with love and kindness...creating a harmonious union of warmth and ease!

- Creating that flow of care, best-friendship, safety and intimacy that you can feel is just RIGHT THERE beneath the surface of all the yuck - if you could just get UN-STUCK! 

Let me get you un-stuck!

CLICK THIS LINKfor my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

I wish I could save everybody's marriage - 

But let's start with yours!

At our first meeting, you will look at each other and say - "Ray Rivers just handed us ALL THE ANSWERS WE'RE LOOKING FOR - why didn't we find him sooner?"

Look, I've been doing this a long time.

Plus, I've been with my beautiful amazing incredible wife Maria for 30 years - 

Man, did we used to fight - but today, we couldn't fight if we had to - we couldn't keep a straight face! We love and enjoy each other so much!

How does that sound? Because that's what I want for you.


I'm a licensed psychotherapist, an energy worker, and a Sufi Master Teacher (and the Sufis are the Masters of Love - learn about that here.) My unique guiding partnership is definitely Beyond Therapy.

Come on - let's break through!

To deep inner peace.

To radical personal power.

To the relationship you long for!

To strong and joyful new ways of Being.

"Ray is not just passionate and professional - he is also awesomebrilliant, and mind-blowing!" - D., Professional Mom

Click this link for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

We meet over the phone or by video, wherever you are in the world. The sessions are strong and transformative.

(Not sure about phone sessions? Let me change your mind - just click here!)

No more self-sabotage!!

No more self-doubt!

And for couples who can't stop butting heads - even though you're both perfectly reasonable human beings -

No more suck-y relationship!

Click This Link for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

"Ray, you are not only a wonderful therapist/mental health clinician, but you are also a beautiful individual. You've helped us work through difficult issues in our marriage that I am not quite sure we would have survived without your patienceexcellent service, and expert guidance. After seeking the services of two previous marriage counselors without much success, we were fortunate enough to find you, and this has made all the difference. Your kind, gentle and nurturing style taught us how to communicate with our hearts and not just our heads. Thank you from the "bottom of our hearts!" - L., Hospital Nursing Director

I work with caring, intelligent couples whose relationship has somehow sunk to the point where the two of you feel like you're practically opponents:

It sucks!

But can feel, deep down, that you could really create something great...

If you could just figure out how to break through that stupid dance, that you keep doing with each other, even though you both totally know better...right? Is that you?

Here's what we can do together: Break through ALL of it, forever!

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

"My husband, my marriage, and family were all in jeopardy until a few months ago. It was not until we met with Ray that he transformed our marriage, renewed our marital foundation and trust within one another, and once again we were able to find the deep meaning of love. This is the only therapist that was able to connect with both of us in separate ways and then together as a couple. He is the only therapist my husband was able to open up to and be his true self. There is no doubt in my mind that Ray's sincere compassion for what he does helped us find the 'better us.' Thank you Ray Rivers! " - S. ,Homemaker and Wife of Global Entrepreneur

Take back your relationship - take back your life!

" I have no words for how the deep essence of your energy has affected our lives. You are very strong at your profession and I am so glad to have been able to work with you. Your soul shines!" -J., Graphic Designer

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

Together we can create unshakeable peace and rock-solid connection between the two of you, for life.. 

"What an impact you've made (with me and my husband)...thanks for doing your genius!" -  V., Image Consultant

Go beyond couples counseling: I can help you!

"I've been to at least nine different counselors, hypnotists, and therapists over the past 20 years. I've sought help both individually and for my marriage...Ray is in a class by himself. He is truly a gifted and caring individual. If you are not making substantial progress in your life or in a relationship, give Ray a chance to transform your life. Thanks!" - M., V.P. of multimillion-dollar company
"Thanks so much, Ray!! You have been an incredible help and we really enjoyed our work with you!" - B., Research Scientist


"Ray Rivers helped me profoundly in his professional work. He is an amazing human being. Years later I still feel the joy that his guidance helped me to rediscover within myself. If you have need of his services, you've found the right guy!" A. , Real-Estate Salesperson and professional association President.

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM program

Let's unleash the true power of your marriage so your love light shines strong, and explore:

- the marriage you want to create - within yourself, and with your partner

- the obstacles in your way (past, present, and future)

- the action steps you'll take to get there

We'll go way beyond therapy...

"Ray, you have taught me so much, and I am so thankful for meeting you. There is no doubt in my mind that I was led to you. I feel much lighter and more peaceful. You are a gift!"    - A., Owner of child daycare business

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program

What is your Truth?

Our collaboration will be straight-talking, but sophisticated, with lots of heart, like a supercharged current of love, support, wisdom, encouragement -


Full of light.

"This is probably the most empowered I have ever felt in my definitely achieved hero status, brother!" -R., Contractor

Your vision - rooted in the earth of your soul, growing strong beneath the sun and sky of your outside become your reality, your Now...

All the power, wisdom, and love in the universe is within you - right NOW!

CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

"Ray Rivers has a depth and understanding of the soul, and the unique ability to humbly share them. I received a gift of insight and self and strength that went well beyond therapy. Ray saw in me what I could not, and gently planted in me seeds of healing and courage that later bloomed when I most needed them. I would recommend and encourage anyone to spend time with Ray, and take the journey to inner peace and self-awareness. It is not an easy road, but with Ray as a guide it will lead you to wonderful places you would perhaps think you could not go." - M., Marketing Executive  

If you know that it is time...

To problem-solve, and heal, and transform...

Then my door is open, and it is my privilege to serve you.

"I had the pleasure of working with Ray for close to eight years before he struck out on his own. We facilitated countless groups together, and I have sought his supportive and therapeutic guidance as a peer on numerous occasions. Ray has always used his skill, humor, and acceptance to create an optimal space for healing and change. He engages with his clients as partners, offering a safe and compassionate environment as he guides them towards their true potential - breaking harmful patterns of the past, and developing a stronger connection with their authentic self."  - Nancy Rabb MS LCPC


 You can text or leave me a phone message at 443-201-6083

Want to read my blog? It's good! Go to

And SERIOUSLY - CLICK THIS LINK for my Relationship ResultsTM Program!

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